A Theatrical Production For The London Lovecraft Festival 2023

In early 2023 Screen Rebels were thrilled to announce their return to live theatre as part of the 2023 London Lovecraft Festival with a new, original production, The Shroud of Charon. Written & Directed by Lorenzo Fantini and Kai Hastur, the play was inspired by HP Lovecraft’s seminal works of cosmic horror and saw the team once again working with Rebels actor alumni Grace Hendy (Game of Thrones) and JB Newman (The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan, Area 52). The production was supported by Brendan Pascal Lonergan as Stage Manager. 
The Shroud of Charon was originally slated to appear as part of the London Lovecraft Festival in 2020 before the industry’s closure during the pandemic resulted in the festival’s hiatus.
This provided the opportunity to develop the script and characters further, resulting in a production guaranteed to provide thrills and chills in the intimate performance space of The Drayton Arms Theatre win South Kensington, London. 
Set in 1936 and firmly placed within Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, the play follows the controversial psychic researcher Arthur Adam-Meyers in his attempts to unlock an Ancient Egyptian artefact. Upon opening the strange object, his discovery of a mysterious woman inside - and her descriptions of a cosmic gateway to other dimensions - take Arthur to the brink of sanity in his obsessive pursuit of the secrets of the afterlife.
The video clips were filmed especially for the website and highlight four key sequences from the performance. ​ 
This first clip is taken from the opening scene. Henry Chambers, his friend and former colleague, confronts him about his impossible task…
In this second clip Arthur has succeeded in unlocking the Amenthes Reliquary. To his astonishment he discovers it houses a mysterious woman, a chaotic messenger...Rhiannon.
In this third clip Arthur learns he has unwittingly released Rhiannon from an infernal prison. Now she reveals the traumatic events that led to her entrapment... ​
The final clip shows what happens to Arthur after he enters the Amenthes Reliquary and what lies beyond the Shroud of Charon...
Promotional FIlm Posters
Keyart and Promotional materials for the production produced by Lorenzo Fantini 
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